Privacy Policy

Data protection and cookies policy

Free translation, the authoritative version is the French version.

Last modification on 08/30/2023

For any questions related to the protection of personal data concerning the website ‘‘ ‘’ (hereinafter, the ‘Site’) and the ‘TiKess’ application (hereinafter, the ‘Application’), you (hereinafter, the ‘User’ or ‘you’) are invited to contact us at the following contact details:

AppVantage SAS

Address: 16 rue Clément Roassal, 06000 Nice, France

Email address: or

Privacy policy

“This privacy policy is intended to define the terms and conditions under which your personal data may be processed and collected on the Site or via the Application by AppVantage SAS as the data controller within the meaning of the French Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, and the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016, relating to the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR” and the “Data Protection and Cookies Policy” or the “Policy”).

This Policy includes a description of the methods for managing cookies present on the Site, as well as the conditions under which you can customize each cookie and provide consent if necessary. The presence of cookies is indicated by a cookie banner on the Site. To find out which cookies are used by the Site and how to disable them, please refer to the specific “Cookie Management” section below.

This Data Protection and Cookies Policy is intended for all Users of the Site and the Application. We would like to inform you that, to provide a comprehensive service, our Site and the Application may contain links to other websites not managed by AppVantage SAS. In this regard, AppVantage SAS is not responsible for errors, content, cookies, the posting of illicit content, advertising, banners, or files that do not comply with the current regulatory provisions, nor for compliance with the privacy policy of these other websites.

AppVantage SAS wishes to inform you that the Data and Cookie Protection Policy is subject to change. The latest version of the Data Protection and Cookies Policy can be found by referring to the “last modification” date at the top of the first page of this Policy.

1 – Site processing manager

AppVantage SAS, in its capacity as Data Controller of personal data (hereinafter “AppVantage SAS” or the “Data Controller”) in accordance with the GDPR and the French Data Protection Law of January 6th, 1978, as amended, informs you that personal data concerning you is collected and processed by the Site (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”).

The Personal Data you provide or that is acquired in the course of using the Site and the application are processed in accordance with the legislative and regulatory provisions mentioned above and the following principles:

  • Lawfulness of the processing of Personal Data;
  • Limitation of purposes;
  • Minimization of Personal Data and proportionality of processing;
  • Accuracy and integrity of Personal Data;
  • Security and confidentiality of Personal Data;
  • Limitation of the retention period of Personal Data;
  • Protection of Personal Data from the design stage and by default (“Privacy by design and by default”).

2 – Persons concerned by the processing of Personal Data on the Site or via the Application:

Users of the Site and/or Application.

3 – Type of Personal Data processed

AppVantage SAS processes and collects two categories of Personal Data, technical and non-technical Personal Data.

3.1. Personal data of a technical nature

a) Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this Site and the Application acquire, during their normal exercise, certain Personal Data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. These are pieces of information not collected to be associated with identified individuals but, by their very nature, could, through processing and associations with Personal Data held by third parties, allow Users to be identified.

These Personal Data are used solely to obtain statistical information on the use of the site and to monitor its proper functioning, and they permanently reside on our servers.

The browsing data processed and collected by AppVantage SAS on the Site and the Application include the IP address, the name of a domain or an internet network associated by the internet network manager with this IP address of the User connecting to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained, the name of the browser used, search history, operating system used, traffic data, languages, and viewed pages.

b) Cookies

The Site uses cookies to help Users accelerate navigation, enhance security, improve usability, analyze usage, and the effectiveness of services. Cookies allow for the collection of the following Personal Data: statistics and audience data (logs, clicks), User account data, and data from social network sharing tools.

For more information and details, please refer to the dedicated “Cookie Management” section below.

3.2. Non-technical personal data

a) Identification and transaction data for subscription to the service

Your Personal Data is collected on the Site through the contact form and/or during your registration and login to a User account/User space to use the Application and/or subscribe to a subscription.

The processed Personal Data include: name, first name, delivery and billing postal address, email address, phone number, transaction number, invoice number, subscription number.

b) Data for subscription payment

The subscription payment data is not processed by AppVantage SAS. When you make a payment for your subscription service on the Site or via the Application, your payments are processed through the Google Play Store or App Store platforms, in accordance with their respective terms of use, to which you are invited to refer.

AppVantage SAS does not collect your payment data but rather a payment identifier and the amount of the subscription paid.

4 – Purpose of the processing

Your Personal Data collected on the Site or via the Application is processed for the following purposes:

a) Personal browsing data and Personal data from cookies linked to the use of the Site:

  • Management of relationships with Site Users, collection, storage, and processing of this data for statistical analyses, including in anonymous and/or aggregated form; statistical analyses aimed at verifying the quality of the services offered by the Site and improving the browsing experience;
  • Implementation and sending of commercial offers or commercial prospecting, promotional or loyalty operations for Users and/or prospects; satisfaction surveys and opinions on the services and the Application;
  • Provision of sharing tools on social networks.

b) Personal identification, transaction and subscription payment data:

  • Subscription, identification, login, User account management;
  • Subscription, management, execution of the Application and services on the Site, including, in particular, the processing and management of subscriptions, User relationship management, handling User requests related or unrelated to the subscription;
  • Invoice management and retention;
  • Implementation and sending of commercial offers or commercial prospecting, promotional or loyalty operations for Users and/or prospects, satisfaction surveys and opinions on the application, the Site, and the services.

It is specified that under no circumstances are your data sold to third parties by AppVantage SAS.

5 – Legal bases

Each of the purposes described above corresponds to legal bases (User consent, contract performance, legitimate interest of AppVantage SAS, application of mandatory regulations), allowing AppVantage SAS to lawfully process and collect Personal Data concerning you on the Site or via the Application:

  • Management of relationships with Site and Application Users, collection, storage, and processing of this data for statistical analyses, including in anonymous and/or aggregated form; statistical analyses aimed at verifying the quality of services offered by the Site and the Application, improving the browsing experience: Legitimate interest of AppVantage SAS and/or User consent and/or contract performance on the Site or Application (contract execution);
  • Implementation and sending of commercial offers or commercial prospecting, promotional or loyalty operations for Users and/or prospects, satisfaction surveys and opinions on the Application, the Site, and/or associated services: Legitimate interest of AppVantage SAS and/or User consent;
  • Provision of sharing tools on social networks: User consent;
  • Subscription, identification, login, User account management, and subscription, management, execution of the Application and subscription on the Site, as well as associated services, including the management of the right of withdrawal, User relationship management, after-sales service management: Contract performance, legal obligation, legitimate interest of AppVantage SAS.

Regarding the rules applicable to cookies on the Site, please refer to the “Cookies Management” section below.

6 – Recipients

Personal Data is processed within AppVantage SAS by the following authorized categories of individuals in the following departments: User Management, Marketing, Information Systems, Accounting, and Administration.

Personal Data may be disclosed to third parties by AppVantage SAS, namely:

  • Suppliers or service providers necessary for the operation of the Site, the Application, and its associated services;
  • Companies responsible for the management, maintenance, and hosting of the Site and the Application;
  • Companies providing third-party cookie services, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, …

7 – Transfers of Personal Data outside the European Union

Some of your Personal Data may be transferred outside of the European Union for the specific purposes described above, and in such cases, AppVantage SAS ensures that the current legal and regulatory requirements are complied with.

8 – Retention of Personal Data

We would like to inform you that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation, and data minimization, as provided for in Article 5 of the GDPR, the retention period for your Personal Data is set for periods not exceeding those strictly necessary and appropriate for the pursuit of the purposes outlined above.

The following durations represent maximum periods, subject to the respective purposes:

  • Management of relationships with Site and Application Users, collection, storage, and processing of this data for statistical analyses, including in anonymous and/or aggregated form; statistical analyses aimed at verifying the quality of services offered by the Site and the Application, and improving the browsing experience: a maximum of 13 months from the User’s last visit to the Site.
  • Subscription, identification, login, User account management, and subscription, management, execution of the Application, and associated services, including User relationship management, after-sales service, right of withdrawal, handling unpaid dues: duration necessary for the contractual relationship and a maximum of 5 years from the last commercial or contractual contact.
  • When you make a subscription payment, the Personal Data related to the card used for payment is retained by the Google Play Store and App Store platforms for the time necessary for the transaction and for the duration specified in their terms of use to ensure proof of the transaction.
  • Management and retention of invoices and handling of disputes: 10 years.
  • Implementation and sending of commercial offers or commercial prospecting, promotional or loyalty operations for Users and/or prospects: until consent withdrawal or 3 years from the last positive contact.

9 – Rights of the data subject

In accordance with Articles 12 to 22 of the GDPR, you have the following rights: the right to be informed and to access the Personal Data collected/processed about you, the right to modification, the right to correct inaccurate Personal Data, the right to define general and specific guidelines specifying how you want these rights to be exercised after your death, the right to erasure, the right to restrict the processing purpose, the right to data portability, the right to object to the processing of Personal Data concerning you, and the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority for the protection of personal data (the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties, ‘CNIL,’ in France).

You can exercise your rights by contacting us at the following contact details:

AppVantage SAS

Address: 16 rue Clément Roassal, 06000 Nice, France

Email address: or

AppVantage SAS will review your request to exercise your rights and will respond within a maximum period of one month from its receipt. If the request is unclear or incomplete, AppVantage SAS may ask you for additional information, especially regarding your identity.

10 – Advertising and offers of a commercial nature

  • Advertising by Phone Calls:

AppVantage SAS may conduct occasional and limited commercial prospecting campaigns through telephone calls.

  • Email & SMS-MMS Advertising:

Upon registering on the Site or via the Application, you are required to provide or submit your email address and/or mobile phone number. As a result, you have the option to receive commercial offers, deals, and promotions by SMS-MMS and/or email from AppVantage SAS for applications and services provided by AppVantage SAS and have the right to object to commercial prospecting by email and SMS-MMS, as described below.

When you have previously given clear, express, and legible consent to AppVantage SAS by checking the appropriate box, you will have the option to receive commercial offers by email and/or SMS-MMS from AppVantage SAS, other than commercial offers and deals for similar applications and services provided by AppVantage SAS.

In both of the above cases, you have the right to object to commercial prospecting received by email by clicking on the unsubscribe/unsubscribe link for commercial information at the bottom of each email.

You have the right to object to commercial prospecting received by SMS-MMS in each SMS-MMS by sending an unsubscribe SMS-MMS ‘STOP SMS’ to a non-premium number as indicated in each SMS-MMS.

  • Advertising through Social Media Notifications:

AppVantage SAS draws your attention to your use of social media features, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, particularly by using the following buttons ‘Follow,’ ‘Like,’ ‘Share.’

You have the option to customize or configure the cookies implemented on the Site that allow the use of social media features from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest by choosing to give or not give your consent, in a clear, express, and legible manner by checking the appropriate box.

For more information on the cookies on the Site, please refer to the ‘Cookies Management’ section below.

  • Opposition to Advertising and Commercial Offers:

You have the option to object at any time to the commercial prospecting of your Personal Data carried out by AppVantage SAS via postal mail or email, by contacting us at the following contact details:

AppVantage SAS

Address: 16 rue Clément Roassal, 06000 Nice, France

Email address: or

11 – Advertising and information of a non-commercial nature

In the context of the purposes described above, AppVantage SAS informs you that it or one of its partners may contact you by phone, SMS, and email, which you will have previously provided, for:

  • The exercise of your rights and guarantees (including legal warranty rights, legal right of withdrawal, requests for the exercise of your rights as a data subject regarding the collection of your Personal Data);
  • To provide information at your request,
  • Conducting a satisfaction survey following the creation of a User account and/or subscription.

Cookies Management

The rules for managing cookies, which may evolve, are established to allow the user (‘User’) to better understand the use and customization of cookies on the website accessible at the following URLs: ‘‘ and ‘‘ (the ‘Site’).

The presence of cookies is indicated to the User by the presence of a banner on the Site.

It is specified that the User can customize each cookie (see detailed list in the section below ‘types of cookies’) through the settings of the browsers provided in the instructions below. The User can also configure ‘anonymous browsing,’ which allows the User to browse the Internet without saving any information about sites, pages visited, entered passwords, and other settings.

1 – Definition of cookies

Cookies are data used by a third-party server to record information about the browsing of the User’s computer on the Site. During your navigation on the Site, cookies may be automatically installed on your browsing software and terminal.

2 – Cookies present on the Site

When you visit this Site, two categories of cookies may be introduced into the computer: cookies generated and used by this Site, and cookies generated on this Site by third parties. Cookies have different characteristics; they may be necessary for the operation of the Site or marketing and statistical cookies. It is specified that disabling certain cookies may limit the ability to use the Site and prevent you from fully benefiting from its features and services. To decide which to accept and which to refuse, you will find below a description of the cookies present on the Site.

  • Internal cookies necessary for the Site to function

These technical cookies allow the Site to function optimally.

You can object to them and delete them using your browser settings; however, your user experience may be degraded, and some Site features may be unavailable or generate errors.

Browsing cookiesThese are cookies that ensure normal navigation and use of the Site and enable the connection between the server and the User’s browser. These cookies allow the Site to function properly and display content on the device used. Without these cookies, certain essential features, such as logging into the site or creating an online shopping cart, may not be provided. Navigation cookies are technical cookies and are necessary for the operation of the Site.
Functional cookiesThese are cookies stored on the computer or another device that, at the User’s request, record the User’s choices to enable them to be remembered for optimizing and providing an enhanced and personalized navigation within the service or access to this site (e.g., saving the password in reserved areas, saving Products in the cart for retrieval in the next session, recording the selected language, displaying a video, or the ability to comment on the blog, etc.). Functional cookies are not essential for the operation of the site, but they enhance the quality and the browsing experience.

List of cookies concerned and data retention periods:

CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
Connection / Registration1 year
Traffic management on the Site and optimization of response time1 day
Traffic management on the Site and optimization of response timeSession
Stores data and information from one page to another on the Site during the User’s navigationSession
Contains a specific session identification number and enables the Site’s operationSession
Necessary for connecting to the Site via a secure ‘SSL’ (Secure Socket Layers) process (User areas)Session
Stores data and information from one page to another on the Site during the User’s navigation29 days
Necessary for connecting to the Site via a secure ‘SSL’ (Secure Socket Layers) process (User areas)Session
  • Cookies external to AppVantage SAS necessary for the site to function
CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
  • AppVantage SAS analytical cookies (audience and statistics)
CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
  • Third-party analytical cookies (audience and statistics)
CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
st_samesite de[x]Session
test_cookie de doubleclick.net1 day
[x]2 years
[x]1 day
[x]1 day
  • AppVantage SAS cookies for personalized commercial offers and advertising
CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
  • Third party cookies to AppVantage SAS for personalized commercial offers and advertising
CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
1 year
  • Cookies for sharing on third-party social networks at AppVantage SAS
CookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation
3 months


Autres cookiesPurposeThe duration of the conversation

3 – Management and configuration of cookies

At any time, you can manage, customize, and/or delete cookies by making the following two categories of settings.

3.1. Management and configuration of cookies in your browser settings

Each browser that allows you to access the Internet has settings that you can customize. The User is invited to refer to the documentation or online guide of each appropriate browser for further information, or consult the guide published online by the CNIL at the following address: You can also refer to the guide accessible at the following URL:

To deactivate the types of cookies used on this Site directly from your browserGoogle Chrome :

Click the wrench icon located in the browser toolbar, select “Settings”, click “Show advanced settings”, in the “Privacy” section, click the “Content settings” button. , in the “Cookies” section, select the options that suit you.

Microsoft Internet Explorer :

Choose the “Tools” menu then “Internet Options”, click on the “Confidentiality” tab, select the desired level using the cursor;

Opera :

Click “Settings”, click “advanced settings”, then “Privacy and Security” section, click “Page Settings” button, then “Cookies & Site Information” section, select the options that suit you.

Safari IPhone, IPad, IPod touch Apple :

Click “Settings”, “Safari”, then activate the “Block all cookies” option.

Mozilla Firefox

Choose the “Tool” menu then “Options”, click on the “Privacy” icon, locate the “Cookie” menu and select the options that suit you;

3.2. Personalization of each cookie present on the Site

When you browse the Site, Personal Data or information may be recorded, or read, in your terminal, subject to your choices to configure.

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